To carry on general business of banking as defined in the Banking Regulation act, 1949(AACS)
To raise funds for financing Co-operative societies, Employees credit Coop Societies, Handloom Coop Societies and any other coop. society permitted under NABARD Act registered or deemed to registered under act and duly affiliated to it, individual and other body corporate enrolled as nominal member to Bank in accordance to Act and Rules and the Bye-Laws of the Bank as amended from time to time.
To organize Co-operative Societies for the promotion of thrift, self help and mutual trust among agriculturists and persons for promotion of economic interest of its members in accordance with Co-operative principles within the policy, guidelines of Govt.& NABARD.
To develop, assist and cooperate in the work of the affiliated societies and secure for them financial help whenever necessary arrange for their supervision and inspection.
To propagate the principles of cooperation, sound agricultural practices disseminating information, publishing pamphlets and arranging conferences and conduct training, awareness camp, hold seminar for skill up gradation of officials and non officials and also members of the affiliated co-op societies, SHGs.
To organize Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) to promote microfinance among the economically poor directly or through affiliated PACS.
To undertake such other work as will promote the cause of cooperation and to do all such things as may be necessary or desirable for the accomplishment of the aforesaid objects within the guidelines laid down by RBI, NABARD and RCS as the case may be.
Nourishing the lower tower tier of STCCS to transform the PACS "one stop shop" for the agricultural families.